Integration using IFS




I offer compassionate, non-pathologizing, and creatively empowering recognition of all parts of your internal system




Nick is an IFS, Harm Reduction, and Psychedelic Integration therapist seeing clients in NY and NJ.  He guides them in integrating challenging life experiences and uncovering inner healing resources that bring harmony, play, and alignment with core values.

areas of specialization

Trauma & PTSD

Mood & Anxiety Disorders

Grief, Loss & Bereavement

Substance Use / Addictions

Psychedelic Integration & Preparation

select certificates & trainings



"I will not rescue you. For you are not powerless. I will not fix you. For you are not broken. I will not heal you. For I see you, in your wholeness. I will walk with you through the darkness."

- The Medicine Woman’s Prayer




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2024 (c) Nick Fonarev